
Hatenboer-Water has successfully prolonged its ISO 9001 certification.

Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance audited according the new 2015 version and approval has been extended for the next three years. Within Hatenboer-Water the Quality Management System is applicable to trading in, designing, manufacturing, commissioning, providing maintenance and service for water treatment products, apparatus and systems, providing services for (drinking) water.

The annual re-certification audit (Hatenboer-Water has been ISO 9001 certified since the year 2004) ensures that relevant processes within the company are running in accordance with the internationally recognised norm (DIN EN ISO 9001 and are improved continuously.

ISO 9001: 2015 is the latest revision of the world’s most widely applied international standard on quality management systems. Companies worldwide adhere to the standard to demonstrate to their customers that their products and services maintain the highest quality. This fits in neatly with the mission of Hatenboer-Water to provide water of the right quality.