
In these times with low activity in the oil and gas sectors we have a challenge. To meet these challenges, we see the need to meet the demand in other segments of the maritime industry. In the long run, this actually represents an even greater potential than our existing market.

First, we are focusing our resources on R&D as well as market intelligence. The goal is to make our product portfolio stronger and competitive in other marked segments.

Secondly, we are streamlining our products for what is left of the oil and gas, hopefully marked to a lower price than previously.

Entering into these new markets, we have a strong focus on three areas that makes the PLT® incomparable to other line throwing solutions.

The PLT® does not possess any dangerous features, such as explosives. Any environment or situation is safe for its use, and that is essential in a distress situation.

An example would be a gas tanker in distress. It is clear, in the event of a potential leak, that using the standard pyrotechnical line throwers in this situation would pose a life-threatening situation. It is ironic that you will find on all tankers bridge a ‘No Smoking" sign, but right behind it, you will find pyrotechnical rockets.

Transferring goods or equipment between vessels or land-based structures is a daily operation. Security Token Service (STS) operations are risky as well as time-consuming. Strongly influenced by the weather and sea condition, the challenge is to establish a connection.

The PLT® increases the ability to establish that connection, much earlier and at a distance of 70m-140m. In oil and gas operations, using the PLT® for this purpose has become a standard many places up to 250m. We have new tanker operators that see the benefit and have started using the PLT® for this purpose.

The PLT® does not have an expiry date as pyrotechnical rockets do. When a vessel uses the PLT® as a Solas unit, it will stay with the vessel for its lifetime. Economically, such a purchase has a long-term perspective.

Taking an environmental approach, there is no waste involved with the PLT®. Every third year, the pyrotechnical rockets are scrapped and goes to waste.

As we are in the middle of, or in the start of an international maritime regression in some sense, we meet a changed attitude from the owners and operators.

Even small money is big when it comes to buying things. We see that our focus on quality, impeccable customer service and long product lifetime brings new customers as well as keeping our existing customers.

Stability and predictability is key for our customers, therefore we are now trying to work with the owners and operators on a long-term perspective.

The PLT® has been an alternative for twenty years, and fortunately safety awareness has been a priority among many ship owners and operators. Unfortunately, there has to be a major disaster before rules and regulations change in the right direction.