On April 9, 2013, a unique road show in Europe begins, as Chris-Marine & IOP Marine head off to spend nearly two months on the European roads with their diesel engine maintenance machines in a workshop container.
First stop is the Swedish Maritime Day in Göteborg, where a variety of the companies’ 2 and 4-stroke engine care products are presented to visitor and conference delegates.
From there the workshop is transported across Europe to stop in hand-picked cities such as Rotterdam, Aberdeen, St. Nazaire, Madrid, Genoa, Marseille, Hamburg and on the 24th of May, the entire road show ends in Leer, Germany.
Unique News
Among the show-cased products are the new Fuel Analyzer, which monitors the cat fines level real time and directly in the fuel line allowing for immediate action, as well as the new onboard cleaning tank, Ultrasonic 130 Twin and the well-known valve spindle grinder BSP-30.
Special Offers
During the Road Show, Chris-Marine offers previous customers of the BSP version 1, 2 and 3 to trade in their valve spindle grinding machine for the fully automatic version, BSP 30, at a discounted price. Other products that are ordered in connection with the Road Show will be offered at a discounted price.
Road Show Lottery
All customers visiting the workshop container en route will be welcomed with gift bags and have the chance to participate in the "Road Show Lottery" that offers many desirable prizes.