
The Datum Electronics commercial marine torsion meter (MTM) now offers even more flexibility and control to customers who need to measure power and/or torque. The new programmable touchscreen interface not only delivers the expected real-time displays of torque, speed and power, but gives the customer options to personalise their new system with its customisable functions for outputs, including recording all the torsion data to a removable memory device.

The MTM is innovative, simple and easy to install, allowing customers to measure shaft torque, rpm and power on a variety of output shafts, including azimuth thrusters, traditional propellers, intermediate shafts and Voith Schneider propellers.

Production is not limited by shaft diameter. The MTM caters for shafts in excess of 1.5m and as low as 150mm. The unique modular rotor design allows any shaft diameter to be measured without the need for unique part supply and manufacture.

"The addition of local data storage for backup purposes and raw data collection is another benefit beyond alternatives available from our competitors."

The single point stator (SPS) design allows the torsion meter to be installed quickly and simply, with minimal space required and without disruption to surrounding areas. The kit has been designed for easy installation, without the need for a whole team of specialist engineers. In fact, one trained engineer can complete installation of single systems in one or two days, subject to on-site conditions and temperatures for gauging.

With the inclusion of the latest programmable touchscreen, the MTM increases its appeal by offering the widest selection of outputs of any system in use today, allowing easy integration into almost any ship system, including RS485, analogue, Modbus and Ethernet.

The addition of local data storage for backup purposes and raw data collection is another benefit beyond alternatives available from our competitors.