Noise Control Engineering (NCE) is a marine acoustical consulting agency. NCE specialises in the prediction and control of habitability noise and vibration, underwater-radiated noise and sonar self-noise for all types of marine vessels. NCE offer expert advice to shipyards, design agents and various government offices at reasonable rates.
The agency has developed the special software, Designer Noise, to accurately predict shipyard noise and allow the optimal implementation of treatments. This reduces the impact on cost, space and weight. NCE has a team of full time engineers, with years of experience, including many acoustic measurement programmes. These involved demonstration of compliance with noise and vibration criteria for diagnostic testing and verification of modelling techniques.
NCE past projects include research vessels, cruise boats, ferries, small high-speed craft, workboats, product carriers, ice breakers, offshore structures, semi-submersibles, naval surface combatants, submarines, underwater vehicles, and many more. NCE has measured source noise and vibration levels for all types of marine equipment, such as diesels, gas turbines, compressors and pumps.
NCE specialise in the development of specifications, noise control plans, noise analysis, and a selection of noise control treatments and compliance tests suitable for any type of marine vessel. NCE also has the capacity to carry out diagnostic tests for noise or vibration problems on existing vessels. Analysis tools include our custom software, Designer Noise, in collaboration with custom-made analysis spreadsheets and commercial finite element analysis codes.
NCE can predict underwater-radiated noise and provide abatement procedures to improve survivability and reduce detection. NCE has provided these services to control the noise from fisheries and acoustic research vessels to meet the stringent underwater noise criteria.
The agency has been active in the development of noise prediction software and novel noise abatement treatments. Examples of these include spray-on damping materials, high transmission loss treatments and absorptive insulations. Our laboratory tests are conducted both in-house and at certified laboratories.
NCE has implemented the development of, and refined such treatments as stanchion isolators, double stage isolation mounting systems, and the use of perforated screens as silencers. These treatments have been used to achieve levels as low as 40dB in marine quarters and stringent underwater noise from naval and research ships.
The engineering of a quiet vessel is a simple operation with NCE’s skills. The company will utilise machinery and hydroacoustic sources to minimise the requirement of add-on treatments. NCE implement innovative methods to optimise the effectiveness of the treatment whilst keeping the adverse impact on space, weight and cost to a minimum.