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Mueller+Blanck Software


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Ship Planning and Marine Management Software

Müller+Blanck Software is well known in the marine industry as a provider of professional software solutions to ship owners and liner operators. For more than ten years, our first-class stowage preplanning system Capstan has enabled shipping companies all over the world to maximize utilization of their vessels in the most efficient manner.

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22848 Norderstedt,
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Müller+Blanck Software is well known in the marine industry as a provider of professional software solutions to ship owners and liner operators. For more than ten years, our first-class stowage preplanning system Capstan has enabled shipping companies all over the world to maximize utilization of their vessels in the most efficient manner.

Capstan3 preplanning – voyage planning software

With Capstan3 and its internal database you have all the information in one place to manage a whole voyage. Planning ahead for all ports of the voyage is an easy task, as Capstan3 always considers the voyage as a whole and provides fast switching among the different situations. Thus you can easily review the expected condition of your ship at any point of the voyage, or even compare arrival and departure conditions side by side.

Your tools to achieve optimal voyage planning include:

  • Continuous validation of stability, strength and all other parameters
  • For easy data exchange, a great number of file formats and EDI messages are supported for import and export, including BAPLIE, MOVINS, IFTDGN, TANSTA and a couple of other formats – in case some special format is requested, we offer quick extensions at competitive rates
  • Automatic check of dangerous goods segregation according to IMDG code
  • The crane split visualization gives valuable feedback on expected operating times in ports depending on the number of cranes
  • Lashing calculations provide detailed information on forces affecting a container – giving you full situation awareness
  • The integrated reporting gives access to all data concerning the voyage; it creates management and other reports for further data
  • With Capstan3, you are always master of the situation – the Capstan3 "merge" functionality allows for reading final departure bayplans without losing any of your own information – it becomes easy to track all differences between your initial plans and those operations finally preformed by the terminal

Overall, Capstan3 gives easy control of a whole voyage, for =very efficient preplanning and maximum utilization of your vessels.

The first-class stowage preplanning system Capstan enables shipping companies all over the world to maximize utilization of their vessels in the most efficient manner.
With Capstan3 and its internal database you have all the information in one place to manage a whole voyage.
Planning all parts of a voyage is an easy task, as Capstan3 considers the voyage as a whole.

For easy integration into the office environment, Capstan3 is available for both server-based and standalone installations for Linux and Windows (WIN32).

The OnBoard-Interface (C3-Obi) for marine data software

The Capstan3-OnBoard-Interface is specially designed for on-board usage. As a sister of Capstan3, it provides all of its key features, tailored for easy handling in day-to-day on-board usage.

  • All calculations, including visibility line and lashing forces
  • Various interfaces for online tank updates
  • Many reports for various aspects, including reefer monitoring lists
  • Available for Windows and Linux

The local interface (LI) for ship management software

The LI complements the work with Capstan3 and C3-Obi. It is typically installed in agency offices to receive Baplie files from terminals, owners and vessels for further processing. Other typical LI users are small terminals and focal points. They normally receive bookings from the agencies, which they feed via text file or manually into the LI. Through "Drag and Drop", a ship can be loaded easily and a Baplie file can be sent to the vessel, agent and/or operating centre.

The LI contains the following features:

  • Reads/writes Baplie files in all versions
  • Displays and prints the bayplan
  • Creates loading lists
  • Supports simple planning through "Drag and Drop"
  • Reads structured text files
  • Sorting functions for all fields
  • Easy export to standard office software (e.g. Microsoft Excel)

The vessel description module (VDM) for the LI specifies the profile of each individual vessel. Thus the local interface is not tied up to our products, but can be used individually.

Capstan3 or C3-Obi vessel descriptions can of course be used in the local interface as well.

White Papers

Press Releases

  • Mueller+Blanck Releases Capstan3 White Paper

    Mueller+Blanck is well known in the marine industry as a provider of professional software solutions to ship owners and liner operators. For more than ten years, our first-class stowage preplanning system Capstan has enabled shipping companies all over the world to maximize utilization of their v

Müller+Blanck Software GmbH
Gutenbergring 38
22848 Norderstedt

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