
Last August, the Social Marine Institute awarded our shipyard in Pasaia the repair, maintenance and commissioning of the ship Juan de la Cosa.

This iconic hospital ship provides useful service to the Spanish fishing fleet, supplying health care "in situ" to anyone who requests it and is within the area it covers. In situations of high risk and severity, the vessel has the means to evacuate ill persons to land in the most suitable and quickest possible way.

In addition to health activities, the vessel also provides emergency logistics support such as fishing net release service, dive service, electrical repairs etc.

With a length of 75m and a width of 14m, it has a dedicated area for castaways, common areas, service areas and cabins for ill persons. It has an operating room with videoconferencing equipment for medical use, should assistance be need in surgical operations. It also has an analytical laboratory, a treatment room and an isolated x-ray room. It also has a heliport, speedboats and a rescue boat.

During the month of October, all jobs to bring the vessel up to date were carried out during dry docking such as: boiler overhaul, preparation work, hull and deck blasting and painting, tank cleaning, pump, davit, propeller, and stabilizing fins repairs and maintenance and finally testing all equipment.

Having terminated these jobs, Zamakona Yards has fulfilled its commitment to the Spanish Government and the Social Marine Institute and the seafarers. The ship is now ready and in perfect condition to serve the fishing fleet in the North Atlantic during the bonito, the anchovies and the swordfish campaigns.

We would like to send our appreciation to these maritime professionals who do such a good job for our seafarers.

Zamakona Yards Group has facilities in Santurtzi (Vizcaya), Pasajes (Guipúzcoa) and Las Palmas of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), with over 41 years of experience in shipbuilding and repairs of all types of vessels. We specialize in offshore vessels, research vessels, fishing boats and tugs.

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