For the past months, among the relevant jobs performed at Zamakona Yards in Pasajes, there was the docking of the tug Joaquim Ruyra and the general cargo vessel Muros.
Joaquim Ruyra is 26m long Aquamaster Tractor Tug achieving a bollard pull of 46t. The vessel belongs to Remolques Y Servicios Maritimos (REYSER), one of the major tug operators in Spain, and is based in the harbor of Santander. The works performed included painting of the hull, tank disposal and washing, and the main engines general overhaul together with the azimuthal propellers from Schottel. Some minor jobs including box cooler cleaning, piping… were also included.
This is the fifth vessel from REYSER to be docked this year in Zamakona Pasaia. This confirms the confidence given in Zamakona Yards, but also it’s capability.
The vessel Murosis a 90m x 1,440m general cargo vessel belonging to Naviera Murueta. Murueta is a well established Client of ZAMAKONA Yards, and uses to dock whenever possible the vessels in PASAJES now for more than five years. The works performed were mainly hull paint, hatch cover repairs with special care on the seals, rudder repair and some minor works on valves, steel work and mechanical parts.
In May in the port of Bilbao, the recently delivered RORO link span Nr 7, built by Zamakona in 2012, suffered damage while the ferry departed. The ferry slightly hit the pontoon and pushed the complete link spam back of a few cm. The foundations on shore were damaged, counter weight devices bent, and the electrical supply pulled away, so that the ramp could no longer be operated. Within 24 hours, Zamakona mobilized two heavy lift cranes to lose the link spam from the pontoon and start a provisional repair. After 12 days work, the ramp came back into operation.