A Webuild-led consortium has received a €928m contract for the construction of the deepest breakwater project at the Port of Genoa in Italy.
The consortium partners include Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime, Fincosit, and Sidra. Webuild will own a 40% interest in the consortium.
Claimed to be the world’s deepest breakwater, the Ligurian port will use this new development for the docking of larger container ships.
The breakwater, which will rest on an underwater foundation with a varying depth of up to 50m, will be constructed offshore.
It will cover a combined 6.2km, of which over 4km will be developed under Phase A of the project.
Under Phase A, the project’s foundation will be developed with an estimated seven million tonnes of rock mass up to 50m underwater.
It will also include the laying of approximately 100 prefabricated caissons of reinforced concrete upon the foundation. The caissons will be nearly 33m high, 35m wide, and 67m long.
Besides broadening the transit, the breakwater will provide manoeuvre areas for ships within the port area.
By enhancing its capacity to receive ships, the breakwater project will help the port provide the required infrastructure for the major shipping companies.
The breakwater will also offer a wide turning basin for container ships, ensuring direct access to the port’s terminal facilities.
The port will be able to handle double the size of ships it currently receives.
The project, which is commissioned by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, is part of a programme to upgrade the infrastructure at the Port of Genoa.