Global classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has awarded its first notation for the ABS Guide for Cybersecurity Implementation for the Marine and Offshore Industries to an undisclosed client.

The newly awarded CS1 notation includes asset, basic-level and informed cybersecurity implementation, allowing offshore operators to fight cyber threats.

AB and with the client reviewed and assessed cybersecurity documentation and cyber-security systems prior to the certification being awarded. This was done in order to more effectively protect industrial control systems from a cybersecurity-related incident, or failure experienced by the client on their offshore assets.

American Bureau of Shipping chief technology officer Howard Fireman said: “Awarding the first industry notation for cybersecurity is a significant achievement.

“ABS continues to set the standards for maritime cyber safety.

"ABS is ahead of the curve in tackling this fast moving challenge, creating actionable guidance and helping clients protect themselves against cyber threats."

“Our team understands the criticality of cyber security to the offshore industry, and is developing solutions address concerns across the broad maritime industry.”

The company also noted that its ABS CyberSafety programme seeks to mitigate the risk of cybersecurity-related conditions or incidents that could negatively affect operations.

American Bureau of Shipping chairman, president and CEO Christopher Wiernicki said: “The focus on cyber safety is increasing, and that is changing the expectations industry has for classification services.

“ABS is ahead of the curve in tackling this fast moving challenge, creating actionable guidance and helping clients protect themselves against cyber threats.”

The company also unveiled its new Smarter Lashing guide to improve safety on containerships last week.