Heerema Marine Contractors has announced it will power its offshore crane vessels Sleipnir and Thialf with clean energy produced by wind turbines.

The use of clean energy is expected to reduce noise and air pollution, cut CO₂ emissions and improve quality of life for the nearby city of Maasluis and town of Rozenburg in the Netherlands.

The vessels are regularly moored in the Calandkanaal in Rotterdam for maintenance or preparation for projects at sea. The ships are currently powered by generators.

Energy supplier Eneco has partnered with Heerema and the Port of Rotterdam on a new project to switch off the diesel generators and provide power to the vessels from the nearby Landtong Rozenburg wind farm.

By shutting down the generators, total emissions will be reduced by an equivalent of the annual emissions of about 5,000 diesel cars.

For the power supply, partners plan to build a 16m by 9m e-house and a few transformers on Landtong Rozenburg. It will be located near Heerema’s berth on the north side of the Noordzeeweg.

The Municipality of Rotterdam has allocated a €2m subsidy in its next year’s budget for the project.

Eneco and the Port of Rotterdam Authority will establish a new firm Rotterdam Shore Power with Heerema as their first customer.

The new power company will supply shore-based power to Heerema and several companies in the area.

Other nearby terminals will receive shore power from the e-house on Landtong Rozenburg.

The diesel generators of Heerema’s Sleipnir and Thialf vessels produce approximately the same amount of nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and CO₂ emissions as 5,000 diesel cars each year.

The project partners plan to apply for the permits late this year, with construction expected to start next year.