ESL Shipping, Viking Line and Attracs have teamed up with Åbo Akademi University and PBI Research Institute on a project aiming to minimise emissions and improve transparency in the shipping industry.

The project, known as Driving Emissions Out of Shipping (DEOS), will develop emissions reporting models, allowing cargo owners to understand their supply chain emissions.

Cargo owners will then be able to choose verified low emission transportation.

The project has obtained financial backing from Business Finland, the Finnish Government’s organisation for innovation funding.

The DEOS project will continue until next spring.

Currently, discussions with policymakers and cargo owners are active, while pilot cases of emission reporting in the complete logistics chain are advancing.

Given that 90% of Finland’s exports and 80% of imports are transported by ship, it is important to consider emissions from sea transport, especially as cargo owners are making efforts to cut down the emission levels of their supply chains.

Following the release of the EU Commission proposal on the new requirements for energy used by vessels, emissions reporting in the shipping industry has garnered more attention.

Åbo Akademi University laboratory of industrial management research head Magnus Gustafsson said: “Recent research has shown that consumers today are ready for, if not even demanding, sustainable products.

“By opting for low emission transportation and bringing emissions from shipping into the consumers’ awareness, cargo owners can support their customers in making better choices in their everyday life.”

Last week, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Saudi Arabia signed three agreements to support projects that target reducing emissions from ships.