
Using GlobalData’s unique data and analysis we can reveal which companies have made the top ten in Hong Kong in our 2023 Innovation Ranking. GlobalData’s Innovation Ranking uses unique data analysis to highlight the companies at the cutting edge of global business.

The highest scoring company in Hong Kong is China Mobile.

Overall, the company based in Hong Kong with the greatest change in its ranking points in the last five years (in comparison with ten years) is VTech Holdings.


GlobalData’s 3i Innovation Framework identifies companies’ innovation potential using novel sources of data including patents, filings, jobs and deals and ranks them on 19 key innovation quality and strength indicators.

Patents is the primary dataset used, and for each company, we calculate innovation quality indicators using our exhaustive patents dataset, with 130+ million patents.

The indicators are grouped in three main pillars:

  1. Intensity: a company’s innovation activity and focus
  2. Impact: the impact of a company’s innovation on other innovators in and outside its sector
  3. Ingenuity: the originality of a company’s inventions and investments in disruptive technologies

Top ten most innovative Hong Kong companies

In the below table you can see the top ten companies based on the latest innovation ranking scores. You can also see how each company ranked in each of the three pillars (intensity, impact and ingenuity) with a darker shade indicating a higher score.

From the data we can see that the company with the highest innovation score in the Hong Kong is China Mobile.

Sector spread

The chart below highlights the industry sector spread of all companies in the ranking that are based in Hong Kong, with darker shades indicating a higher number of companies in that sector.

From the data we can see that technology and communications is the sector with the highest number of companies in the ranking.

Thematic spread

The chart below shows the top 20 industry themes based on the number of active companies based in Hong Kong with activity linked to each theme.

Emissions reduction was the most active thematic area for companies based in Hong Kong.

Is your company ranked?

Being ranked is an exceptional achievement, but it is just the start. Download our media pack to see how you can unlock your company’s full scorecard allowing you to tell the stories behind your ranking.


GlobalData, the leading provider of industry intelligence, provided the underlying data, research, and analysis used to produce this article.