Ship Technology Global is back for another edition packed with technology news and industry analysis. In this issue, we analyse green fuel sources and sustainable port initiatives worldwide, explain shipping’s role in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, explore the future of maritime careers and more.
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In this issue
Rating sustainability in the maritime sector with RightShip
In February, shipping sustainability ratings firm RightShip unveiled its new Safety Score index and updated Greenhouse Gas Emissions monitoring platform. Heidi Vella speaks to the company’s sustainability manager Kris Fumberger about the sectors’ decarbonisation conundrum and where he sees the market heading.
Championing scrubber technology to meet environmental compliance
The current pace and intensity of regulatory change for shipping has never been greater. Owners face the overwhelming challenge of having to comply with current environmental regulations and those likely to emerge in the future. Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment director Sigurd Jenssen explains how shipping must embrace future-proofed technology to tackle many of shipping’s key sustainability issues.
Could LPG be the marine fuel for the future?
The maritime industry is facing increasing pressure to find greener energy sources to reduce carbon emissions. Nikos Xydas, technical director of the World LPG Association, explains why he believes liquefied petroleum gas is the right choice for shipowners.
Awakening smart port tech at the Port of Rotterdam
To help the Port of Rotterdam become ‘the smartest in the world’, Finnish start-up Awake.AI has been working on different projects, including creating a digital twin for the port. Ilaria Grasso Macola speaks to Awake.AI CEO Karno Tenovuo to understand what the ports of the future will look like.
How technology can help shipping companies address key challenges in 2021
Alexander Buchmann, managing director at Hanseaticsoft, explains how the maritime industry can use technology – particularly cloud services – to adapt to another difficult year.
Shipping’s role in Covid-19 vaccine logistics: key questions answered
As more Covid-19 vaccines clear regulatory approval, an immense logistical effort to deliver them is underway. How is the shipping industry preparing to support the global rollout of billions of vaccine doses, and what are the limits of the maritime supply chain for strictly temperature-controlled cargoes? Chris Lo finds out.
How are maritime careers expected to change after Covid-19?
Covid-19 has brought to light huge inefficiencies in the way that the maritime industry handles and safeguards seafarers. With gruelling reports of stranded workers still coming to light, how will future careers in the sector be affected? And does this industry risk going through a recruitment drought? Alex Love reports.
Green team: the ports leading shipping’s sustainability drive
Ports have a vital role to play in the shipping industry’s broader drive towards decarbonisation and environmental stewardship. Chris Lo profiles five ports going further than most in building sustainability into their operations.
Brexit and UK shipbuilding: a time for rebirth or regret?
Boris Johnson’s government pledged to ‘bring shipbuilding back to the UK’ as it prepared to finalise its exit from the European Union. Now that the UK has left the union, what does the future look like for British shipbuilding? Luke Christou reports.
The challenge of integrating automation on ships
For shipowners increasingly looking into the potential of automation, integrating new solutions with existing vessel hardware can be a struggle. Adele Berti finds out more from Høglund Marine Solutions president Børge Nogva.
Is legislation blocking autonomous shipping?
After almost two years of work, the MARLab project recently released its final report on the regulatory barriers that are currently hindering trials of autonomous ships in British waters. Ilaria Grasso Macola explores MARLab’s main discoveries and its continued work with the Maritime Future technologies team.
Next issue preview | May 2021
More than 600 organisations across the maritime industry have signed the Neptune Declaration, a document calling for better health standards and crew change standards for seafarers. Will it make a difference? We find out in the next issue of Ship Technology Global.
We give an update on the shipping container shortage that is causing major capacity issues for the industry, explore the potential outcomes of a new maritime agreement between Iran and Syria, and analyse where the maritime battery market could be heading this year and beyond.
After exploring it briefly in this issue, we profile the Tuas megaport project in Singapore, which aims to bring new levels of automation to shipping when it opens in the 2040s. Finally, we explore how findings about wind propulsion in the yachting industry could influence larger ships in years to come.
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