Ship classification society Korean Register (KR) has been authorised by the marine safety and security division of Transport Canada to perform statutory services on behalf of the Government of Canada.

With this authorisation, KR will be capable of conducting surveys, audits and issuing certificates to Canadian-flagged ships under SOLAS, MARPOL, ITC, ILL and ISM codes.

KR’s status as a Recognized Organization (RO) for Canada is the result of successful audits conducted by the Canadian Government at its Busan headquarters and Vancouver office in June and July 2014 respectively.

"It is a further endorsement of our growing stature in the international maritime community and it recognises our continued efforts."

KR chairman and CEO Dr BS Park said: "We are delighted to be authorised as an IACS member society to be designated an RO by the Canadian Government.

"It is a further endorsement of our growing stature in the international maritime community and it recognises our continued efforts in advancing technology and classification services. We look forward to delivering high-quality and efficient services to Canada’s maritime sector."

With this development, KR is now permitted to carry out ship survey and certification work in 69 countries.

In addition, the firm believes that this authorisation will benefit other KR-classed vessels operating in Arctic waters, as its administration is active in the Polar Code discussions within IMO.

IACS member classification society, Korean Register, classes an international fleet of 2,900 vessels totalling 65 million gross tonnes.

Established in 1960, KR became a member of the IACS in 1988 and listed in the Institute Classification Clause (ICC) of London Underwriters in 1990.